Roman Colosseum

Italy Oil Paintings

After returning from a two week painting trip to Italy, I have become so inspired that I decided to create a website page dedicated to Italy oil paintings. Because some are vertical paintings, there are two separate listings for my Italy paintings. I will be adding to these pages over the coming weeks and months as…

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Tuscany Front Porch

Staying in Tuscany Italy for a week as part of a two week paint trip. Painted this scene with my palette knife this morning. The wisteria on the front porch is in full bloom. Feels like paradise.  

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Castello di Amorosa Olive Garden

San Leandro Art Association Demonstration

On April 14, 2015, about 25 club members of the San Leandro Art Association gathered to watch my demonstration. I painted a scene with sheep grazing among the olive trees of the Castello di Amorosa vineyards. It was an 11 x 14 oil painting. I talked most of the way through the 1 1/2 hour…

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North Beach Cafe in San Francisco

Show Reception – March 20, 2015

If you are in San Francisco on Friday, March 20 from 6-8 p.m., please stop by the Christian Daniels Gallery at 950 Leavenworth Street. I will attend the opening of their show, People and Places. The show will run from March 20 to April 25, 2015. Several of my pieces will be in the show…

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Storm Clouds Over Camden

Mentor Made my Day

I take time to like and comment on social media with other artists’ paintings. I believe it is important to engage in this manner and it’s good karma. This week I posted a new studio painting from Camden, Maine. My mentor, C.W. Mundy said this about my painting, ” Hey man Killer piece! Looks like…

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